Our team in Chessington South & Malden Rushett
Elected in May 2022, councillors Andreas Kirsch, Griseldis Kirsch and Sharukh Mirza represent Chessington South & Malden Rushett on the Council. You can find their contact details below:
Cllr Andreas Kirsch (Leader of the Council)
By phone: 07497 627 454
By email: Andreas.Kirsch@kingston.gov.uk
By post: Liberal Democrat Group Office, Guildhall, High Street, Kingston upon Thames KT1 1EU
Cllr Griseldis Kirsch
By phone: 07890 540 849
By email: Griseldis.Kirsch@kingston.gov.uk
By post: Liberal Democrat Group Office, Guildhall, High Street, Kingston upon Thames KT1 1EU
Cllr Sharukh Mirza
By phone: 020 3380 9504
By email: Sharukh.Mirza@kingston.gov.uk
By post: Liberal Democrat Group Office, Guildhall, High Street, Kingston upon Thames KT1 1EU