Our team in Surbiton Hill
Elected in May 2022, councillors Alison Holt, Amir Ali Khan and Tom Reeve represent Surbiton Hill on the Council. You can find their contact details below:
Cllr Alison Holt (Deputy Leader of the Council)
By phone: 020 8399 4375
By email: Alison.Holt@kingston.gov.uk
By post: Liberal Democrat Group Office, Guildhall, High Street, Kingston upon Thames KT1 1EU
Cllr Amir Khan
By phone: 07512 665 463
By email: Amir.Khan@kingston.gov.uk
By post: Liberal Democrat Group Office, Guildhall, High Street, Kingston upon Thames KT1 1EU
Cllr Tom Reeve
By email: Tom.Reeve@kingston.gov.uk
By post: Liberal Democrat Group Office, Guildhall, High Street, Kingston upon Thames KT1 1EU